My guest for this episode is Dr. Vera Packard. Vera was a medical doctor in Brazil for 20 years. After coming to the US, she started her second career as a nonprofit executive director. Vera was the ED of HERS Breast Cancer Foundation and then the COO of the Lazarex Cancer Foundation. She'll be sharing her lessons learned with all of us today. Vera describes herself as a student of life and a warrior for people's talents and strengths. Having been through 2 successful careers as a medical professional and an NP ED, Vera loves to learn and has an open mind for opportunities and changes in life. She has lived in 3 different countries and has moved her home several times – most recently from CA to Vera is not attached to stuff but is extremely passionate about people and life experiences.

Her main mantra is that sometimes in life, you just have to take a leap of faith and grow your wings on the way down. It was with this mentality that she had performed her professions and now is even embarking on a new challenge, and she is studying to become a Life coach.


Here’s what to expect during the episode:

Reasons for why you might want to work for a nonprofit organization. What are some lessons you can learn from a successful founder? Creating a career with impact with nonprofits. How do you demonstrate your willingness to learn? Why should you surround yourself with people just like you? When should your nonprofit say "No" to opportunities? What is a visionary founder?

Connect with Dr. Vera Packard!


Email: [email protected]

Go to to get your free guide: 6 Steps You Must Know to Unleash the Potential of Your Nonprofit Board

Mary's book is available on Amazon or wherever books are sold: Love Your Board! The Executive Directors’ Guide to Discovering the Sources of Nonprofit Board Troubles and What to Do About Them.


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