This is one of our bonus episodes – a moment with . Mary 

“When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It’s to enjoy each step along the way.”

Wayne Dyer

The board-executive director relationship is a dance. The whole team is dancing together! One thing that can throw everyone off balance or mess up the cadence is how the board manages (or doesn’t) executive sessions.

Mary shares her experience that most executive directors don’t want their boards to meet without them on issues other than their own performance or compensation. On the other hand, there are executives who don’t seem to be bothered by it and some even encourage it. Not only is there disagreement about the practice, there is even disagreement about the definition!

What to do! Listen in for some definitions and tips.

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To get the free guide I created for you go to: How to Engage Your Board in Fundraising

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