My guest today is Karen Mathews Radau. Karen is deeply experienced in human resources consulting, organizational development, and executive coaching. She is a recognized author and currently is the CEO of her own business, Small Business HR Services. Karen specializes in helping small to mid-sized companies, including nonprofits, with not only how to comply with labor laws but how to apply best practices to help organizations and their employees be successful.

Many nonprofits are unable to have even part-time staff dedicated to human resources management. I know from my own experience how valuable it can be to have someone to call for consultation and reassurance you are making the right decisions. 

We discuss some of the common HR mistakes Karen has seen nonprofits make and how to avoid them. You can learn more about Karen at:

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For more details about me or my work please go to: Hiland Consulting

To get the free guide I created for you go to: 6 Steps You Must Do To Unleash The Potential of Your Nonprofit Board.