Dr. Lorraine Maita, a triple board certified physician specializing in hormone balance and detoxification, joins us in this podcast to discuss the fascinating connection between autoimmunity, hormones, and detoxification.

In this episode, we dive deep into the impact of hormone imbalances, the role of toxins, and the importance of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for overall health and well-being.

Join us as we explore the key takeaways from this enlightening conversation.

Main Topics Discussed:

The relationship between autoimmunity and hormonesThe importance of bioidentical hormone replacement therapyHormonal shifts as triggers for autoimmune disordersThe role of toxins in hormonal imbalance and autoimmunityThe significance of bowel movements and detoxificationMaintaining a healthy microbiome for optimum hormone balanceThe Women's Health Initiative study and hormone therapy misconceptionsHormones and their impact on relationshipsTaking care of overall health for a fulfilling lifeThe role of attitude and mindset in improving health

For the complete shownotes and links to everything discussed in this episode visit inspiredliving.show/110