Salman Sajun is the Founder and Executive Creative Producer at SSS, a production studio specializing in design-driven animation. With over a decade of experience, Salman has worked with top brands like Oreo, Barbie, Pepsi, and Lego, creating compelling visual narratives that captivate audiences. He transitioned from a background in economics, anthropology, and history to pursue his passion in the creative industry, demonstrating a unique blend of problem-solving skills and artistic vision. Salman's journey includes notable work at Mattel and a commitment to fostering a collaborative and respectful company culture at SSS.

In this episode…

Imagine establishing a realm where every commercial exudes exquisite design, meticulous craftsmanship, and abundant creativity. What is required to generate visuals that captivate audiences and endure in their memory long after the screen fades to black? Moreover, to what extent can corporate culture directly influence the attainment of such remarkable standards of excellence?

Salman Sajun, an experienced professional in the creative space, delves into the secrets of excelling in the creative industry or entrepreneurship in general. He shares his evolution from working on the corporate side at Mattel to spearheading his creative hub specializing in unforgettable design animation. Additionally, he uncovers how the company works, the process behind its most intricate projects, and his dedication to cultivating a culture that allows creativity and respect to flourish. Salman also provides an insightful look into how SSS has become a melting pot of talent, with each member bringing a unique contribution to the table, ultimately solidifying the company's reputation for delivering top-notch content.

In this episode of Inspired Insider Podcast, Dr. Jeremy Weisz interviews Salman Sajun, Founder and Executive Creative Producer at SSS, about design-driven animation. Salman shares how SSS handles diverse and complex advertising projects that span from whimsical stop-motions to sophisticated 3D visualizations, how to motivate a creative team amidst high-pressure projects, and staffing strategies that foster client relationships.