Sam Conley is a body transformation specialist and one of Ireland’s most sought after fitness coaches.

He boasts one of the longest lists of client success stories because he understand the challenge more than most having gone from a 21 stone compulsive over eater, to a 14 stone competitive bodybuilder, winning Mr Body Transformation Ireland and Europe in the same year.

He’s a speaker, a podcaster, founder and owner of HQ Fitness Academy and through his 1-2-1 and online training programs, he helps clients and individuals transform their bodies and lives as he himself has done.


00.00 Trailer

00.12 Introduction

03.20 Sam’s background

06.40 Sam’s earliest memory of being overweight

10.20 Sam’s career aspirations

14.40 What stopped Sam from losing weight in the past?

19.00 How did Sam’s career unfold?

26.00 Knowledge through experience

29.30 Sam’s prior eating habits

33.30 Reasons for Sam’s eating

38.00 When did Sam begin to change?

51.30 Why did Sam decide to compete?

57.20 Sam on his sensitive side

1.00.00 Sam’s willingness to talk about his past

1.02.30 Sam on domestic abuse

1.12.00 Advice to others

1.18.30 What would Sam say to someone struggling with their weight?

1.22.30 Sam on his purpose

1.24.30 Sam on his legacy

1.29.00 How has Sam managed to maintain his changes?

1.31.20 Sam on success

1.32.50 What would Sam say to his 20 year old self?

1.36.00 Changing the world


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