Our latest Inspired Edinburgh guest is Colin McLean.

Colin is founder and CEO of SVM Asset Management, an independent Edinburgh-based fund management group. He has more than 35 years' investment experience and is widely regarded as one of the UK's top stock-picking analysts.

He was elected to the Board of Governors of the CFA Institute in 2012 and he is a past chairman and board member of CFA UK. He’s also a fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries and a chartered fellow of the CISI.

He’s an honorary professor at Heriot-Watt University, a regular contributor to financial publications, has been a guest on Bloomberg TV, CNBC, BBC TV and Radio and he frequently speaks at conferences on the topics of investment, hedge funds and behavioural finance.

A fascinating insight into Colin's background, his career journey, the evolution of the Asset Management industry and his passion for investing. 


00.00 Trailer

00.18 Introduction

01.30 Colin’s early life

02.40 Colin’s initial interest in investing

06.50 Colin’s aspirations and career path

09.50 The decision to start SVM Asset Management

12.45 The biggest challenges in setting up a business

14.00 Colin’s investment approach and philosophy

18.20 Investing in Tech

20.30 The types of businesses Colin invests in

24.00 What makes a great investor?

26.00 Managing emotions and avoiding complacency

31.00 Colin’s views on CEO remuneration

35.40 Why is capitalism good?

38.40 How has the investment industry changed over the years?

42.30 How might the Asset Management industry be disrupted over the coming years?

46.30 Colin’s best advice for wealth creation

50.30 Colin on his life purpose

53.20 Is there anything Colin would have done differently?

56.30 How has travel impacted Colin’s worldview?

59.00 What would Colin like his legacy to be?

1.01.10 Best piece of advice

1.03.30 How does Colin define success?

1.05.30 What would Colin say to his 20 year old self?

1.07.10 Changing the world



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