Our latest Inspired Edinburgh guest is Jenny Tough.

Jenny is an adventurer, endurance challenger, author, film maker, speaker and world traveller.

She’s travelled six continents solo, cycled around Europe, paddled through the South American jungle, ran marathons on four continents, hiked throughout Asia, trekked in Patagonia, dived with sharks, surfed in the North Sea, competed in numerous adventure races, and lived in five countries!

In 2016 she wrote her first book, ‘Keep The Sea To The Right’ which tells the tale of her solo 3,800-kilometre circumnavigation cycle of the Baltic Sea coastline and most recently she became the first person to run across Kyrgyzstan, an expedition which involved 25 days of running with a 12 kilogram rucksack, accessing ancient nomad trails high up in the Tien Shan mountains.

Her goal in sharing her adventures is to inspire people to go find their own adventure!


00.00 Trailer

00.18 Introduction

01.50 When did Jenny start adventuring?

03.00 Living on a boat

04.00 Jenny’s career path

05.00 Why Jenny left the 9-5

06.20 Jenny’s lifestyle and diet

07.30 Jenny’s first big challenge

09.30 What did Jenny learn from this?

13.30 Not making emotional decisions

14.30 What does Jenny’s training look like now?

17.00 What does Jenny carry?

18.00 Jenny’s relationship with material possessions

19.30 What has been Jenny’s favourite challenge?

20.50 How does Jenny manage her mind?

22.20 Jenny’s view of ‘failure’

24.00 Jenny on her biggest failure

26.50 Women in endurance sport

29.20 Jenny on film making

31.10 How has travelling the world impacted Jenny’s worldview

32.10 What does a day in the life of Jenny look like?

33.30 Edinburgh and the access to nature

34.20 Where would Jenny like to live?

35.50 How has Jenny evolved as a person throughout her life?

38.40 Is it more common for people to follow their passion?

39.20 Is there anything Jenny would have done differently?

40.40 Jenny on her life purpose

41.30 Jenny on her legacy

42.40 What irritates Jenny?

44.15 Jenny’s life philosophy

45.00 What is Jenny most grateful for?

46.00 If Jenny could master any skill or habit, what would it be?

47.20 Jenny’s definition of success

49.50 Who inspires Jenny?

50.50 Jenny’s life goals

52.10 Jenny’s favourite podcasts

54.00 Who has had the greatest influence on Jenny?

56.00 Best piece of advice

57.00 Jenny’s views on social media

58.30 What would Jenny say to her 20 year old self?

1.00.00 Jenny’s core values

1.01.00 Changing the world


You can find Jenny at:






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