Our latest guest is Andrew Johnson.

For over 20 years, Andrew has been helping people relax, change and create the lives they want through a range of self-care MP3 downloads, Apps and Workshops.

His work has motivated and empowered people across the world and helped them cope with stress, overcome anxiety or fears, break habits and achieve their full potential. With over 11 million downloads to date, his recordings are the best selling “Self-help” recordings on the Apple and Android App stores.

Through workshops, he uses techniques such as relaxation therapy, stress management, clinical hypnotherapy, meditation and mindfulness, which allows people to successfully regain control and achieve positive outcomes in their work, home and personal life. 

An incredibly powerful conversation that covers Andrew's early life, journey into hypnotherapy and audio recordings as well as his exciting future plans and thoughts around purpose, success, legacy and making the world a better place.


02.00 Andrew’s early life and growing up

03.00 What was Andrew’s career journey?

04.15 How did Andrew know hypnotherapy was the career for him?

08.20 Did Andrew’s friends notice a transformation in him?

09.20 What are some of the issues Andrew worked on?

11.30 What has been the journey from in person hypnotherapy to audio?

15.00 How did Andrew get involved with MP3’s and Apps?

19.40 How has this changed Andrew’s life?

22.30 Why does Andrew think his audios are so popular?

25.00 Andrew’s meditation practice 

30.30 Andrew’s thoughts on connectedness

32.00 How does Andrew manage ego?

35.00 Holistrio and Andrew’s future plans

44.00 Andrew on purpose

49.00 Andrew on legacy

51.30 What would Andrew tell people who only know him by his voice?

53.30 What is Andrew’s life philosophy

56.00 How does Andrew define success?

57.00 Best piece of advice

59.00 If Andrew could master a skill what would it be?

1.00.30 Who or what inspires Andrew?

1.03.00 How has Andrew achieved mastery with his audios?

1.07.00 What are Andrew’s life goals?

1.08.00 What would Andrew say to his 20 year old self?

1.09.30 What would Andrew change in the world?


You can find Andrew at:






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