This week on Inspired Edinburgh we have Kallum ‘with a K’ Russell.

Kallum is the co-founder and CEO of Acorn Enterprise, an organisation on a MISSION to grow Scotland’s start-up culture.

They educate and accelerate new businesses and run events for growing businesses, institutions, and organisations that want to put entrepreneurship at the heart of what they do. 

He's a speaker and a multiple award winner who has featured in the likes of Virgin Media's Pioneer of the Week, The Sunday Times Maserati 100 List and the Startup Britain Enterprise Champions for Scotland.

We talk about Kallum’s background, expectations vs reality when leaving University, the creation of Acorn Enterprise and his views on success, purpose and favourite personal development resources. 

This interview is truly packed with great insights and advice!


01.30 Who is Kallum Russell?

02.20 Kallum at University

03.50 Kallum’s career aspirations and career journey

15.30 How did Acorn Enterprise come to be?

22.00 How does Acorn Enterprise work?

24.30 How does Kallum find Acorns?

29.30 What do the Acorns learn?

32.40 Where does Kallum see Acorn Enterprise going?

39.00 What is Kallum’s purpose?

40.50 What did Kallum learn about himself during difficult times?

43.00 What would Kallum like his legacy to be?

43.40 How does Kallum define success?

44.30 How has Kallum achieved his success?

49.00 Who inspires Kallum?

50.15 Where does Kallum see himself in 5 years?

51.20 What is the best piece of advice Kallum has ever received?

53.30 What would Kallum tell his 20 year old self?

54.20 What are some of Kallum’s favourite personal development resources?

1.00.00 What would Kallum change in the world?


You can find Kallum at:


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