This week on Inspired Edinburgh we have the incredible Lynne McNicoll​ OBE.

Lynne began her fundraising journey at the age of 49 and a year later had raised £55,000. Over the next four years with the support of others she raised £650,000.

This led to her establishing It's Good 2 Give!, a charity that supports young cancer patients and their families which has raised in excess of £1m.

Despite her own cancer battle, Lynne has worked tirelessly raising money for the charity and is currently in the process of launching The Ripple Retreat, a luxury respite home on the banks of Loch Lomond.

In recognition of her work she was awarded the Institute of Fundraising Volunteer Fundraiser of the Year Scotland, the Sir William Y Darling Award for Good Citizenship, the Local Hero Award for Volunteer Fundraiser of the Year and then in Queen's Birthday Honours List 2015, an OBE for services to children's charities in Scotland.

Lynne is a truly remarkable person and an inspiration to us all.

01.00 Lynne’s background
02.30 Getting started in fundraising
06.00 Speaking in public and positivity
09.30 Raising over £650,000
12.00 The motivation for starting a charity
15.00 How the charity was formed
17.30 How does It’s Good 2 Give! help people?
24.00 How does It’s Good 2 Give! raise money?
26.00 Patrons of It’s Good 2 Give!
28.00 The Ripple Retreat
39.00 Why Lynne has been so successful?
40.30 What do the awards and recognition mean to Lynne?
41.50 Receiving an OBE
47.30 Lynne’s own battle with cancer
52.30 Side effects of treatment
56.00 Lynne’s purpose
57.30 What would Lynne be doing if she hadn’t set up her own charity?
59.30 Lynne’s legacy
1.00.45 Who or what inspires Lynne?
1.03.30 Best piece of advice
1.05.20 What would Lynne say to her 20 year old self?
1.08.30 If Lynne could change anything in the world

You can find Lynne at:

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