Nena & Company was created by Alejandra Hynek in 2013 to bring some of her culture to your colorful lifestyle.  Nena can be loosely translated in English to mean "baby girl" or "darling" and is a term her mother affectionately calls her. Guatemala {Guate} became a magical place for Alejandra as she grew and learned more of her heritage with the lush country.  Raised on tortillas, black beans, arroz con leche (rice pudding) in California, and years of receiving handicrafts from her grandmother made from typical Guatemalan patterns, Alejandra soon found that food was not the only praiseworthy attribute to be found in Guate and those colorful fabrics had more to offer than she could have imagined. With the combination of her love for travel, design, her family and culture Nena & Co. was established. Nena & Co. bags are uniquely handcrafted and capture the magic and depth of the Maya people.


Rather than just admiring the talents of these impoverished Maya families, Nena & Co. is committed to always giving back! Whether it is by providing purified filtered water to a family or helping a child get an education your purchase of a Nena & Co. bag will enable them to make a difference in someones life that is in great need.