This is a bonus round with Amy Flynn, her Inspired Conversation can be found in Episodes 83 & 84. This is a mediation Amy takes us through with the collective! Sit back, relax and enjoy! This is not to be listened to while driving, using heavy machinery or while working out. Ideally, you'll be sitting in a quiet space with the opportunity to relax and really take advantage of this meditation. Enjoy!

Amy Flynn is a Facilitator of Consciousness, Change and Transformation.  It is her passion to "awaken the world" to their connection with Source and access the infinite, abundant, powerful and all knowing aspects of themselves. Amy embodies a loving energy and spreads instant joy with the energy she radiates.  

Amy is the voice channel for a group of nonphysical Source Consciousness known as "The Collective" who lovingly transform all they teach and interact with.  The Collective are multidimensional Source Guides that Amy considers the "larger nonphysical aspect of herself".  The Collective are infinitely wise, loving, fun-loving, always joyful and along with Amy, absolutely committed to everyone's expansion and evolutionary growth. 

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