Stacey Robbins is a Renaissance woman who lives life by inspiration as a Coach, Speaker, Italian Retreat Leader. She is the Author of An Unconventional Life: Where Messes and Magic Collide, You’re Not Crazy and You’re Not Alone, and Bloom Beautiful.

Her career began as a professional musician when she was 15, working as a songwriter, pianist, and vocalist in solo performance as well as with many other talented artists, but when she was 27 hit a health bump that dramatically shifted her life. After a parade of misdiagnoses, gaining 100 pounds in a year and becoming so ill that she could barely get out of bed, the doctors told her to get her affairs in order.

Stacey began pursuing her health from a deeply spiritual angle that led her to shine a flashlight down all the corridors of her life: Thoughts, Beliefs, Patterns, Relationships, Spiritual Practices, Self-Care, Food, and Exercise. Through that experience and years of research of a diagnosis with Hashimoto’s (an autoimmune condition that affects the thyroid and therefore every cell in your body) she has been able to speak all over the US and reach people all over the world with her healing insights that she discovered through her own sacred journey.

Now, in addition to her coaching and book writing, Stacey creates gorgeous, transformational, self-care experiences through her international retreats and workshops, empowering women to risk adventure as a way to live from what she calls their “Brave Soul Place.” Stacey resides in Southern California with her author, tech-geek, musician husband and their two amazing, curly-haired teenage sons.

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

Why risk-taking is important to cultivate in our lives.What happens to our minds and hearts when we take risks.How Stacey and her husband, Rock, cultivate risk-taking in her boys.How her family sold/packed up their entire lives and headed to Italy. How to start taking small risks (even if that's not normally your thing).

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Connect with Stacey Robbins:

www.staceyrobbins.comFacebookTwitterInstagramCoachingWomen's Retreats to ItalyThe Hashimoto's Mind Game

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