Viviene Bigornia is a Motivational Speaker, Mindset Coach and the Founder of The Fulfilled Women. Her personal mission is to inspire women to become unstoppable in achieving their God-given dreams. Over the years, she has inspired thousands of women and youth thru her talks, lectures and speeches. Because of this, she has been featured on TV at My Awesome Life, Live your life to the fullest, guested at DZRJ, Voice of the Philippines, DZAR and other media platforms. She has also been part of the H.E.R. Entrepreneur Virtual Summit Singapore and Freedom Summit Global along with other international speakers. And in 2018, she was among the 25 Philippine Delegates for the first ever TradeConnect Singapore - a global meet up for SMEs. As a graduate of Millionaire Mind Intensive Philippines, a program by T Harv Eker, and Unleash Your Power Within Singapore by none other than Tony Robbins, she aspires to give women the inspiration to be the best they can ever be. When not wearing her hat as a speaker or coach, you will find her at home with her husband folding a mountain of clothes or chasing their two adorable children.

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