The Young Bucks, Matt and Nick Jackson talk with Chris at Florida Supercon in Miami Beach, FL. They cover a number of topics including how the unprotected chairshot to Cody at Fyter Fest was supposed to go, the conversations they've had with CM Punk, how close they were to signing with WWE, the possibility of an AEW video game, PAC's contract status, if Being The Elite will continue once AEW starts on TNT, who has the final say about storylines in AEW and much, much more! Audio equipment provided by Samson Technologies:

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The Young Bucks, Matt and Nick Jackson talk with Chris at Florida Supercon in Miami Beach, FL. They cover a number of topics including how the unprotected chairshot to Cody at Fyter Fest was supposed to go, the conversations they've had with CM Punk, how close they were to signing with WWE, the possibility of an AEW video game, PAC's contract status, if Being The Elite will continue once AEW starts on TNT, who has the final say about storylines in AEW and much, much more! Audio equipment provided by Samson Technologies:

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