Scientists in Northern California make a significant breakthrough in fusion energy. A conversation about the expectation of sex appeal and stigma around aging for women in the music industry. A preview of the best seasonal wine and music for the holidays.  

Nuclear fusion breakthrough

Insight decided to nerd out a little bit and dive into a scientific breakthrough that dominated headlines this week. A “thermonuclear fusion reaction” that, simply put, is the same reaction that powers the sun and stars, was reproduced in a laboratory, producing more energy than was used. It’s a big deal because scientists say it’s some 60 years in the making and this opens the doors to advancements to clean, potentially unlimited energy.  But we’re a-ways-away from that becoming a reality. Nonetheless, it’s a historic moment that took place in California at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory located in the Bay Area about an hour-and-a-half south of Sacramento. Matthias Hohenberger is an experimental scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and group leader working on the project at the National Ignition Facility. He joined Insight to tell us more about the significance of this achievement. 

Sex appeal and aging in the music industry

Ageism and sexism are the founding materials of a "glass ceiling” women have spent decades dismantling, a foundation that doesn’t discriminate no matter the industry. CapRadio’s new podcast, “A Music of their Own” shares the stories of women who’ve carved out success in classical music despite odds and opportunities being stacked against them. It's an industry where just a sliver of music programmed by American orchestras was written by women in the last year alone. There aren’t just plenty of personal experiences to illustrate these barriers, but also science.  Indre Viskontas is both a neuroscientist and opera performer with an accomplished career in science and music, but also, the success that includes obstacles based on her age or simply identifying as a woman. Indre joined Insight along with Majel Connery, the host of “A Music of their Own" to discuss these challenges and help illuminate these barriers. 

Seasonal holiday wine and music selections

‘Tis the season for holiday celebrations, tasty food, good wine, and festive music. If your calendar is starting to get busy with parties, family gatherings, and social get-togethers, Insight has two of the best experts to get you ready for the holidays. Wine expert Rick Kushman is a regular on Insight and invited him back on to share his expertise on what to serve during the holidays. Jennifer Reason, CapRadio’s Classical Music host, joined to share some of her favorite holiday music from around the world to pair perfectly with your parties.