Your vision is revealed to you, step by step, insight by insight and thread by thread.

Eleanor Beaton shares her magnetic and clear vision for advancing gender equity by helping women entrepreneurs grow thriving businesses. Her vision guides everything she and her team at Safi Media do. She believes women entrepreneurs are the key to advancing global gender equity and a sustainable, healthy planet. As a woman founder and leader, learning to believe in yourself and your envisioned future is an evolving process. Aligning your ambition with commitment, actions and practice, your vision is revealed to you, step by step, insight by insight and thread by thread. Eleanor believes that creating, nurturing, growing and evolving your business is the epitome of the feminine in action.

"Ambition is the tug of my soul inviting me to pursue something so that it can manifest more of who it is."

Team Safi's mission to double the number of women entrepreneurs who scale past $1M in revenue by 2030 is palpable. So why a million in revenue? Eleanor explains that less than 2% of women-owned businesses cross the million-dollar mark. When a woman's business reaches this revenue milestone, she can build a team, provide employment for others, leverage her impact and build a legacy. At the heart of Eleanor's commitment to advance women entrepreneurs to scale past a million in revenue is the necessary shift in how we think about think business growth. Growth and generating wealth through sustainability rather than through depletion allow us to have vitality and sustainability without depleting critical resources. 

Safi Media helps women scale their businesses by creating a JEWEL business, women growing through assets versus hustle. The JEWEL business model offers us more time to consider, be intentional, and have time for deep thinking and discernment. 

Learn more about Eleanor Beaton and Safi Media:

Check out the Power & Presence & Position Podcast:

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