Much has been written about women lacking confidence, needing confidence, and why confidence is crucial for women to lead successfully. I don’t disagree, confidence is a critical component of leadership and success.

Confidence is critical for women entrepreneurs and leaders, to take risks and actions to make your vision come to reality. 

And I imagine that if you are listening to this, confidence is not your main concern. I’m guessing you are in a place today where you have developed and nurtured your confidence muscle by stepping into challenging and sometimes risky situations.

But what I do see as an important and often missing conversation for women leading is the foundational and essential skill of fostering self-trust. In fact, I see self-trust as closely related to feeling confident

When our trust in our self is wavering, it may be limiting your ability to take meaningful and impactful action. Self-trust is tuning into and listening to your inner GPS, honouring your wise, intuitive voice. It’s relying on our capabilities, choices, and actions to take care of what we care about. 

Tune into this episode where I share 4 distinctions of trust from the work of Charles Feltman and offer 9 strategies women leaders can practice to nurture, repair, and grow their self-trust.