Have you ever had a defining moment set a fire under you to take action to make a difference? Connie Clerici the founder and now Executive Chair of the Board at Closing the Gap Healthcare, shares her conviction to make a difference was the driver behind her decision to create her own healthcare company. Today the company employs over 2000 professionals and has a thirty-year track record of providing excellence in service delivery. But it didn’t start there. Connie worked for years without an income, taking on every aspect of the business. Connie shares the importance of living your values and the critical business skills you must have to navigate challenges as a female founder and clinician in the world of health care. Connie is passionate about entrepreneurship and has created the Connie Clerici Nurse Entrepreneur Award to help foster nurse innovation and entrepreneurship in support of advancing patient care in Ontario.

Closing the Gap Healthcare https://www.closingthegap.ca/

Connie Clerici Nurse Entrepreneur Award: https://www.rnfoo.org/about/what-s-new-at-rnfoo.html