Normally I come out with a new episode of "Insider Interviews" every Thursday, but did you know that I also have another podcast? It's sort of my personal passion project and it's called "It's Quite a Living", and it's with "my friends in high places". They're really casual conversations about some high profile people who happen to be my friends. Now, that one comes out every other Tuesday.
So I've decided to make "Insider Interviews" -- the B2B one speaking with those in media marketing and advertising -- come out every other least through the summer.
Of course, if an eager sponsor* wants me to produce more frequently bring it on! Otherwise, you'll hear Episode 11 NEXT Thursday.
Frankly, it's been a LOT to create, host and post two podcasts a week, even though I love it -- especially during our current times, and especially since I seem to be developing a reputation for singing to my guests. Listeners understand that.... But do stay subscribed because you won't want to miss the CEO of Quigley Simpson, Carl Fremont, who will be my very interesting next guest!

And now you have some time in between to catch up on the past 10 episodes with amazing folks like Minjae Ormes of Visible, Claude Silver of Vayner Media, Sree Sreenivasan (don't miss his #NYTimesReadalong on Sundays!), Rachael Henke of Dell Technologies, and guests from NYI, Tidal Wave Productions, Krantz Media and more!
I'm very, very proud of what we've been able to do together to bring you great content about the industry. And I really appreciate all of the great ratings you've given me and the subscribing and sharing. You can listen just about anywhere you like (although Pandora is still a hold out, I'm just sayin'.) Thank you for telling everyone in the industry. It means a lot to me.
*And, if you want to sponsor an episode of EITHER podcast, or suggest a guest for "Insider Interviews", please reach out at [email protected]. I'm "hear" for you!