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I AM SETTING UP several new academic modules for early 2023 and believe I we can learn from images that students snap, scrape, and share. The process involves using Flickr groups in which students can directly upload content from their handsets' share sheets.

by Bernie Goldbach in Clonmel

I AM SETTING UP several new academic modules for early 2023 and believe I we can learn from images that students snap, scrape, and share. The process involves using Flickr groups in which students can directly upload content from their handsets' share sheets.

The first experiment involves MA students learning Digital Transformation. I want students to upload images in support of 12 inevitable trends cited by Kevin Kelly. Each student should upload images to the Flickr Digital Transformation Group in support of the 12 trends. Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is running behind the scenes to create a mailing list that summarises work by the academic group. I want to port the RSS feed into Feedly and Inoreader where the best elements of the group's imagery drops into an Obsidian Vault for group work.

Students should sign up for the weekly email updates below.

var i=0;var x=document.getElementsByName('F21129');for(i=0;i<x.length;i++){x[i]'none';x[i]'none';x[i]'none';x[i].action='';}var y=document.getElementsByName('F21129__hh');for(i=0;i<y.length;i++){y[i].style.display='none';}

Images of digital transformation




Your email address:*

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Content from colleagues. Powered by FeedBlitz

var F21129_sb_requiredFields=new Array();var F21129_sb_validateFields=new Array();
var F21129_sb_fieldcol='#000000';
var fbz_F21129_sb_logged=false;
function F21129_sb_wait_fn(){
var F21129_sb_wait_img=fbz_formMetrics(21129,1);
} catch(e){}
var F21129_sb_wait=setInterval(F21129_sb_wait_fn,100);


I will update everyone on how this project unfolds at the end of January 2023.

[Bernie Goldbach teaches digital transformation for the Technological University of the Shannon.]