AS TWITTER ATROPHIES and Mastodaonie tries to find traction, I'm going to reintroduce blogging into the university modules I teach. And for the month of January, I'm resolved to create at least two blog posts a week.

by Bernie Goldbach in Clonmel

AS TWITTER ATROPHIES and Mastodaonie tries to find traction, I'm going to reintroduce blogging into the university modules I teach. And for the month of January, I'm resolved to create at least two blog posts a week.

The posts won't be all on my Old Skool Typepad because I've a microblog now as well as SharePoint News sites I've set up with RSS. Perhaps I can link to all of those locations by putting hyperlinked footnote at the bottom of each of the locations.

[Ten Years After Winning Blog Award]

During January 2023, I'm also joining a directory of bloggers who are participating in Bring Back Blogging. I've noticed writers, photographers, and makers listed in the fledgling directory. And by clicking into their links, I've discovered several of them are actually newsletters, tumblrs, blogs, and microblogs. They have one thing in common: they support their content with Really Simple Syndication.

If more than one voice in Ireland joins this initiative, we could have a soft relaunch of the Irish Blog Awards. Looking back into a time before the iPhone seems like a vanity exercise. But those were heady days when I scrolled through lines of text discovering interesting content uncontaminated by sponsorship. I used to have exceptional street cred with coworkers because I had all the coolest links before tech journos covered the same ideas days or weeks later. And back then, there were no tech journos with national radio slots.  As Ash and Ryan put it, "The blogosphere was once a vibrant network of deep thought and curation, and now has the vibes of an untrimmed yard.

I want to add my address to the Bring Back Blog Directory (it's powered by Airtable!) and see what happens. I have my mobile IA Writer, my Moleskine, and my mobile blogging software ready to go.

[Bernie Goldbach is an elder blogger who lives in the sunny southeast of Ireland. There are no birds in his home.]
