Sean Conway is a man of extremes. He became the first person to swim from Lands End to John O'Groats. His 4,200 mile triathlon around the coast of Great Britain landed him a World Record. And he's the fastest person to cycle across Europe. He also has a very famous ginger beard.
It was superb to chat to Sean and hear:

12:51 How record attempts begin

14:20 All about the 3 Fs and why records matter so much

23:40 The urgency to make something happen when he was living with his mum in a 1 bedroom flat

25:43 Setting off on his Round the World bike ride

33.00 The idea behind swimming the length of Britain

39:19 Struggling to get sponsorship for his record swim and why it would have been ok for Michael Phelps

42:00 How he consumed enough calories when chewing became too hard

46:00 Why the fear of failure is such a driving force for him

48:44 Lessons he has learned from his failures and successes as a competitive ultra endurance sportsperson

Tri Sharing Wisdom
We want you to help each other to become better athletes by sharing your triathlon tips on social media and we'll get some of the best ones on the podcast too. This week, it's triathlete and coach Nic Dawson who has advice to deal with injury. Get involved with the hashtag #TriSharingWisdom on social media.
Find out more about this week's guest
Sean Conway on Instagram
Sean Conway's website
Sean Conway's Europe or Bust film
Sean Conway's books
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Long Range Fuel is a phenomenally tasty nut butter, enhanced by cutting edge science, to boost your stamina, keep you calm and alert and bolster your resilience. Get 10% off by using the code insidetri10 or go direct via this link.

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Sean Conway is a man of extremes. He became the first person to swim from Lands End to John O'Groats. His 4,200 mile triathlon around the coast of Great Britain landed him a World Record. And he's the fastest person to cycle across Europe. He also has a very famous ginger beard.

It was superb to chat to Sean and hear:

12:51 How record attempts begin
14:20 All about the 3 Fs and why records matter so much
23:40 The urgency to make something happen when he was living with his mum in a 1 bedroom flat
25:43 Setting off on his Round the World bike ride
33.00 The idea behind swimming the length of Britain
39:19 Struggling to get sponsorship for his record swim and why it would have been ok for Michael Phelps
42:00 How he consumed enough calories when chewing became too hard
46:00 Why the fear of failure is such a driving force for him
48:44 Lessons he has learned from his failures and successes as a competitive ultra endurance sportsperson

Tri Sharing Wisdom

We want you to help each other to become better athletes by sharing your triathlon tips on social media and we'll get some of the best ones on the podcast too. This week, it's triathlete and coach Nic Dawson who has advice to deal with injury. Get involved with the hashtag #TriSharingWisdom on social media.

Find out more about this week's guest

Sean Conway on Instagram

Sean Conway's website

Sean Conway's Europe or Bust film

Sean Conway's books

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Let me know! Connect with Inside Tri Show across Social Media, just search Inside Tri Show or click on the icons below

Show sponsors


Long Range Fuel is a phenomenally tasty nut butter, enhanced by cutting edge science, to boost your stamina, keep you calm and alert and bolster your resilience. Get 10% off by using the code insidetri10 or go direct via this link.

Learn more about your ad choices. Visit