Tony's guest today is Scott Lockhart, an successful Aussie entrepreneur that has built and sold businesses and now consults with some of the globe's largest banks, brokerages, and retail corporations

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If you would like to clarify anything with either Tony or Scott make a comment below or drop Tony an email. We will respond.

About Tony Lockwood

After a 25 year career delivering change and transformation, Tony launched The Transformation Leaders Hub (#TLH) in 2020.

#TLH's core focus is to help members to standout from the crowd, build their network with their peers and open up new career opportunities.

4 years ago, Tony pivoted from a project to project lifestyle into building and scaling a consulting business. If you are thinking of doing the same, he has developed a 22 question Scorecard to help identify your strengths and development areas in what he has seen to be the five critical aspects - So see "Is there is a Consulting Business in You" by undertaking the assessment and get a personalised report.

Tony can be contacted by email at [email protected]


About Scott Lockhart

Scott, a proponent of servant leadership, underscores the significance of attentive listening and fostering an environment where the team feels appreciated, understood, confident and empowered to make good decisions. He recognizes that his success hinges directly on the success of his team he leads. Drawing from a sports metaphor, he sees himself as the Head Coach, working alongside assistant coaches to guide the players—the ones truly in the game. Together, they grasp the vision, strategy, hone their abilities, score, and secure victories.

Contact Scott Lockhart


About #TLH

The Transformation Leaders Hub - a truly global peer to peer network for change and transformation professionals. Check it out here.
