Tony's guest today is Mario Moreira


Submit your questions

If you would like to clarify anything with either Tony or Mario make a comment below or drop Tony an email. We will respond.


About Tony Lockwood

After a 25 year career delivering change and transformation, Tony launched The Transformation Leaders Hub (#TLH) in 2020. #TLH's core focus is to help members to standout from the crowd, build their network with their peers and open up new career opportunities.

Tony can be contacted by email at [email protected]


About Mario Moreira

A highly accomplished, influential, and collaborative Agile Transformation Leader, Executive Change Agent, and Enterprise Coach who has authored 5 cutting edge Agile and business related books. Two most recent include: The Agile Enterprise and Being Agile. Writer of Agile Adoption Blog ( and 100+ articles on Agile, Business, Innovation, and Culture

Contact Mario:


About #TLH

The Transformation Leaders Hub - a truly global peer to peer network for change and transformation professionals. Check it out here. w: