Happy Monday, Fabulous Listener!

Welcome to Inside the Minds of Authors. Happy Memorial Day to everyone in the US who is honoring this day. If you are new to the podcast, we are dedicated to bringing you passionate authors with exciting books. This evening, we have the pleasure of chatting with the award-winning author, Gary D. Wilson. We are discussing his recent novel, The Narrow Window, released this year.  

Gary D. Wilson is also the author of the novels Sing, Ronnie Blue and Getting Right. Although his short fiction has appeared in numerous national literary magazines, For Those Who Favor Fire is his first published collection of stories. He has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and named a finalist for the Iowa Short Fiction Award and the Drue Heinz Literary Prize. Gary has taught fiction writing at Johns Hopkins University and the University of Chicago Graham School. He currently lives in Chicago. To learn more about Mr. Gary and his books, stop by his website at garydwilson.com.

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Happy Listening, DC