Happy Monday, Fabulous Listener!

Welcome to Inside the Minds of Authors. Hope you are doing amazing on this lovely Monday evening. We have the pleasure of chatting with the Award-Winning Author, David A. Bowles. We are discussing his latest book, The Sherriff of Starr County.

David A. Bowles is an International Award-Winning author who has published five novels in the series known as the Westward Sagas®. The stories are based on his great-grandmother’s family, and their journey from Chester County, Pennsylvania to Texas. The author is the fifth generation of his family to be born in Austin, Texas. His stories are based on years of historical research.


A prolific writer, Mr. David has written hundreds of stories about history, true-life characters, and ones he created. The fifth book in the series, The Sheriff of Starr County, was released February 7, 2023. To learn more about Mr. David or his stories, you can check out either of his sites at: https://www.davidabowlesauthor.com/; https://westwardsagas.com/.

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Happy Listening, DC