Previous Episode: Eating Healthy


On this edition of Stories, I will be talking with Callie Gade. You might know her from a little YouTube series called King of Random with her co-host Nate and the late Grant Thompson. Not only is she streaming now, but she has been going for her pyro-technician Licenses.

When you have gotten to know Callie as I have through watching her stream, you will see she has an amazing personality and a smile to match that personality.  When she streams she is joined by her one friend and moderators Soxgirl, she comes and goes , she also has a few friends who are her mods as well.

Callie is the type of girl you always wanted to take home to mom but never got the nerve to ask her out, she is fun to watch as she plays her favorite video games such as Zelda: Breath of the wild or Final Fantasy.  If she is not gaming she is just chatting with her community of followers like me. 

She is a Streamer, YouTuber, Model and a pyro-technician .  She has a love of fire as you can see if you ever sub to her stream, she also loves to laugh and ride her motorcycle. If she is not doing any of that she is hanging out with her friends.

If anyone could exuded sunshine it would Callie, this is because she is a pure joy to watch and hang out with when she streams. – Her Stream  – Instagram

This is one episode  you must listen to, so Sit back, Relax and Grab your Favorite Beverage. and See you there.

Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.