I am so excited to share with you information that I truly think will be educational and has the ability to change your life. As many of you may know, I have been selling real estate and managing rental property for myself and others for over 20 years! With the new decade, new year I want to help you create wealth and invest in your future…. What is Rent Estate Revolution you might be asking? Being in this industry for over 2 decades has allowed me a unique insight into how investing in real estate can shape the financial stability for your future.

Are you looking for ways to fund your children’s education? Looking for a little extra cash flow each month? Have you considered building an investment portfolio with diversification? I mean our parents always told us never to put ALL our eggs in one basket! Do you want to have retirement savings? 

Taking a look at what is happening in the current Real Estate Market, how Colorado's population has changed significantly in a short period of time and how this has impacted our new construction building and vacancy rates? Also taking a look at the different demographics that make up our rental pool, you might be surprised.

When taking into consideration what low risk and possible high return options, why would you not consider investing in Real Estate? We also touch on possible risks and put them in perspective. 

When considering investing in Real Estate I like to focus on Four Pillars of1.) Long Term Cash Flow 2.) Appreciation 3.) Equity and 4.) Tax Breaks. Digging into each of these will help you gain better perspective in why this works. 

Hiring a professional Real Estate agent, with experience in investing is key. Contact Terri Ellerington with Re/Max Elevate [email protected] or 303-929-8116 and Peak Property Management peakpmelevated.com and let us help you create your road map!

I read the Book, Rent Estate Revolution by Kevin Ortner.  https://www.rentestaterevolution.com/