Music and entertainment sponsorship isn’t an area of sponsorship that lives in the limelight. That is ironic considering the artists involved do exactly that day-to-day; live in the limelight.

We know that so much about sponsorship is a brand partnering with a rights holder to access an audience that they would otherwise find difficult to access.

It’s clear that music artists have huge audiences and highly engaged ones at that.

Universal Music Group is the world’s leading music company. Universal own and operate a broad array of businesses engaged in not just recorded music, but also music publishing, merchandising, and audio-visual content in more than 60 countries.

Combine that with the huge and engaged social media followings, and music certainly looks attractive to sponsors. As such, in this episode we go inside sponsorship at Universal Music Group and hear from Roddy Campbell, Managing Director, New Business.

You can learn more about Universal Music group at and you can connect with Roddy Campbell on LinkedIn.

Also joining us on the show is our MD, Mark Thompson who recently read a report, by the Association of National Advertisers and the Marketing Accountability Standards Board, titled Improving Sponsorship Accountability Metrics. Mark’s summation of the report? While there are lots of great insights in the report, Mark’s take away was that sponsorship professionals should be focusing on measurement accountability.


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