There are a lot of people who will write blogs and rock up to conferences to talk about the future of sponsorship. While I tip my hat that they have the guts to get up and present, I don’t know about you, but I am often not left full of confidence and enthusiasm for a way forward.

As Senior Manager Global Rugby Strategy & Planning at HSBC, Sven Gloor is not like that at all.

Passion and enthusiasm are words used too readily these days, however, they are apt for describing Sven. He believes that sponsorship is undergoing huge change and is becoming more and more important for brands in order to solve specific and real business problems.

In this episode, he joins us to take stock of the sponsorship industry and share his views and insights on where it is all heading and what you need to do to prepare and position yourself for success.

Also, on the show is Mark Thompson, KORE’s Head of International Business, who discusses his most recent blog which looks at the increasing importance of Business Intelligence in sports and entertainment.


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