Understanding the past can often help create clarity for the future. Many industries are changing rapidly these days and Fertility practices are not immune. Changes from scientific advancements, culture, and consumers all play a role in the landscape shift of the industry. When you add technology to the mix, advancements start snowballing rapidly.

This week on Inside Reproductive Health I interviewed Dr. Robert Stillman, a Board Certified Reproductive Endocrinology and Fertility subspecialist with over 40 years of experience. We recount his experience from beginning to the present and what he deems will be important in the future.  He has direct experience with the integration of private equity capital into fertility practice and has led trends in practice financing, technology (e.g. AI, genetic testing, egg freezing), physician and staff recruitment, retainment, compensation, partnership tract, and retirement paradigms.

In this episode, we talk about Dr. Stillman’s insight into the industry and big trends we are seeing including how Artificial Intelligence is and will continue to shift the industry. We also talk about:

How Private Equity effects Fertility Practice
What changes have happened in the Fertility field over the last 20 years
How has consolidation and expansion has affected the REI landscape
How Bob was able to successfully work with the academic centers

To learn more about our Goal and Competitive Diagnostic, visit us at FertilityBridge.com.