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EM has an ideological frame that it belongs in the public service or the not for profit field. There is a barrier to permitting the corporate world to enter the field, a fear of embracing the profit motive. Let's be clear, there is profit in the NGO / nonprofit world, in salaries, benefits and full cost pricing.
To be an entrepreneur, you need to become and expert in a niche, not a generalist.  The discipline is rife with individuals who consult across the EM spectrum, from mitigation through the pillars to recovery. The EM field is similar to healthcare, in that is the sum of a number of roles, not one position. Healthcare needs doctors, nurses, Xray, EMS, laboratory staff etc - they are all part of the field but cannot execute the functions of others. EM is similar, an expert in preparedness can comment on response, but it is time prohibitive to be an expert in both. 
Success is in the niche - carve out your space. The strategy works for any field.

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