Pitch aims to help teams collaborate on creating beautiful presentations. It was started in 2018 by the co-founders of Wunderlist, including today’s guest, Jan Martin. Jan is both a co-founder and a brand designer, which makes him unique in the SaaS space.

In this episode, Jan talks about how the design-centric DNA of Pitch came from learnings he had at Wunderlist, the importance of design systems that everyone can use, why he’s not a fan of wireframes, and much more. 

Key Takeaways

00:15 - Jan’s responsibilities and day-to-day at Pitch
04:58 - Marketing and brand design at Pitch
10:43 - The creative studio team
12:51 - The Pitch brand
14:55 - How 3D illustration became a big part of the Pitch brand
17:35 - How 3D happens at Pitch
19:20 - The symbiotic relationship between brand design and product design
22:40 - How to ensure consistency between marketing and product
23:58 - Getting your team to follow guidelines
26:52 - How creative studio collaborates with marketing and growth
29:15 - A design system for the marketing tech team
35:50 - How to make a design system “fool-proof”
37:49 - Design iteration at Pitch
41:45 - Individual and team challenges at Pitch
46:08 - Jan’s proudest moments at Pitch


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