Ilana Shabtay is the Director of Marketing at AutoLeadStar and the Co-host of the InsideAuto Podcast. She is an experienced marketer, innovator, and growth hacker with expertise in digital marketing, artificial intelligence, and automotive. Ilana is also a Dealer Marketing Expert Panelist.

In this episode…

Over the last year, dealerships have had to pivot and make changes in the way they run their operations, how they market their products, and their strategies for communicating with customers. This has mostly been accelerated by technology and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Over the same period, Ilana Shabtay has had the privilege to interview some great guests on the InsideAuto Podcast. They’ve shared their advice on various topics affecting car dealerships, ranging from adopting new technology and handling inventory shortages to leveraging vanity metrics.

In this episode of the InsideAuto Podcast, host Ilana Shabtay sits down with Dr. Jeremy Weisz, Co-founder of Rise25 Media, to talk about the interviews she did over the last year. Ilana shares some of the guests who were featured on the podcast and what she learned from them about improving dealerships. Stay tuned.