Colby Joyner is the Vice President of Sales at, an AI-driven software that is built to increase lead engagement and drive conversions for automotive dealers. Colby is a former Air Traffic Controller in the US Air Force and a former EMT. Before joining, he was the Platform Director of Bravo Auto Group. His goal is to bring efficient processes into the automotive space and increase their use of technology. Colby is also a husband and father.

Jarrod Kilway is the Vice President of Strategy and Success at He is an Automotive News 40 Under 40 Nominee, a founding member of Auto Genius, and the former Director of Digital Strategy and Solutions for Germain Automotive. Jarrod entered the automotive space while in college and holds a degree from the University of Akron.

In this episode…

How specific or targeted is the technology you use in your dealership? Is it too broad and complicated? Or is it easy to use?

Automation is meant to make processes easier and more efficient. Your automated marketing messages need to be targeted to a specific audience and increase engagement with them. Specific automation not only helps in making dealerships more productive but also increases profitability, improves communication among teams and customers, and in the long run, helps build better relationships. 

In this episode of the InsideAuto Podcast, Ilana Shabtay is joined by Colby Joyner and Jarrod Kilway from to talk about the need for simple and specific automation in the automotive space. They discuss why dealerships fear adopting technology, what success looks like for sales representatives, and the importance of software integration. Stay tuned.