Michael Cirillo is the Co-founder and CEO of FlexDealer, a company that helps retail auto dealers turn traffic into revenue with strategies and technologies that lead to car purchases. He has many years of experience in the retail automotive industry and is the author of Don't Wait, DOMINATE!. Michael is also a speaker and the host of The Dealer Playbook podcast.

In this episode…

What drives success in the automotive space? How can dealerships engage with customers more effectively? 

According to Michael Cirillo, you should focus on your people and processes to build a successful dealership. It’s critical to set well-defined expectations with your team to ensure they understand their roles. Michael advises dealerships to stay up to date with trends in the automotive industry, establish an optimal strategy, and understand their customers’ buying habits. 

In this episode of the InsideAuto Podcast, Ilana Shabtay is joined by Michael Cirillo, the Co-founder and CEO of FlexDealer, to discuss tips for driving success in the automotive space. They also talk about future challenges in the automotive industry, best practices for providing customer service in dealerships, and why dealerships should focus on processes.