Colby Joyner is the Vice President of Marketing and Strategy at Cavender Auto Group, a family-owned dealership. Before joining Cavender Auto, Colby was the Vice President of Sales at and an Air Traffic Controller in the US Air Force. He was also nominated for Automotive News 40 Under 40. Colby’s goal is to bring efficient processes into the automotive space and increase businesses’ technology use.

In this episode…

Best marketing practices for dealerships are constantly evolving, and it’s difficult to stay abreast of the changes, especially when assuming a new role. What steps can you take to improve operations and provide better customer service?

According to Colby Joyner, it’s essential to review the current processes and procedures before making any drastic changes. Test and learn new strategies to identify what works and what doesn’t. The decisions you make should align with the organization’s goals. Colby also emphasizes assessing available resources to establish the right processes for running the company.

Colby Joyner, the Vice President of Marketing and Strategy at Cavender Auto Group, joins Ilana Shabtay in this episode of the InsideAuto Podcast to talk about streamlining marketing in the automotive space. Colby also shares his goal for attending the NADA conference, strategies for assuming a new role, and his experience working at Bravo Auto Group and Cavender Auto Group.