Derek DeBoer is a professional racecar driver and the owner of TC Chevy. He also stars in the TV show, Fastlife, alongside his wife, Brooke, who is the creator of Fastlife and a certified life coach. Together, they have three daughters and are passionate about everything they do–especially when racing is involved.

In this episode…

Have you ever asked yourself what you would do with your life if you could do anything? That’s exactly what Brooke DeBoer asked her husband Derek one night, and they’ve both been pursuing their passions ever since. 

Join Ilana Shabtay in this episode of Inside Auto Podcast as she interviews Derek and Brooke DeBoer. They discuss their TV show, Derek’s racing experience, Brooke’s work as a certified life coach, and how they’ve dealt with the current pandemic in both their personal and professional lives. Derek also shares how COVID-19 has impacted his dealership and his insights into the future of car buying.