Reading annual reports carefully is an excellent strategy for knowing where you are going. They can give a good impression of what a company is thinking. With the significant disruption caused by the global pandemic, we can look to these annual reviews to discover clues into what we can expect to see over the next one or two years. These expectations include the critical role of partners and rapidly expanding ecosystems, trends in collaboration, cybercrime, sustainability, and privacy.

In today’s episode, and review two annual reports, one from IBM and the other from Microsoft, and highlight the key takeaways. I reveal how IBM focuses its attention on deploying AI at scale and delivering complex hybrid cloud solutions that are open, flexible, and secure. I share how Microsoft believes that the rapid advance in distributed computing, ambient intelligence, multi-sense, and multi-device experiences create an era of the intelligent cloud and intelligent edge. I explore the differences between Microsoft and IBM’s strategies and technologies. I also discuss the changing nature of productivity and Microsoft’s future work from three vectors: collaboration systems, workflow learning, and employee wellbeing.

“Business models are shifting as a result of the digital opportunities.” - Paul Heller

This week on Innovation Talks:

The acceleration of digital transformation including hybrid cloud and AI solutions and new business models based on the adoption of digital technologies How AI is driving IBM’s growth and revenue growth from hybrid cloud services Why IBM is focusing on industry clouds like financial services and telecommunications How Microsoft believes we are living in the era of an intelligent cloud and how they will focus on helping companies build their tech intensity The differences between IBM and Microsoft’s cloud and AI technology and strategies Microsoft’s Power Platform, the five hundred million apps to be curated by 2023, and the low/no-code tools that will support Citizen Developers The opportunities available from analyzing the 73% of unanalyzed data in the world The rising annual costs of cybercrime

Resources Mentioned:

IBM Annual Report Microsoft Annual Report

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