Dr. Ralph-Christian Ohr is a corporate innovation expert and the Founder and Managing Partner at Dual Innovation, a company specializing in modern innovation and management approaches to future-proof modern companies. He is the co-author of Scaling-Up Corporate Startups and is among the Top 10 Innovation Bloggers of 2017. Previously, Ralph-Christian was an associate partner at innovation-3. He also has a Doctoral degree in Physics from the University of Mainz.

Ralph-Christian joins me today to discuss dual innovation. He shares the challenges companies face in innovation as they transition from an exploration state to an exploitative environment. He highlights the mechanisms that need to be in place to scale up, including leadership support, governance, metrics, and end-to-end thinking. Ralph-Christian provides examples of companies that have turned innovation concepts into business impact. He also examines the timing of innovation, balancing urgency, and staying adaptable.

“Companies need to stay adaptable, be aware that they have to renew themselves from time-to-time, and they need to stay flexible.” - Ralph-Christian Ohr

This week on Innovation Talks:

How Ralph-Christian got into innovation in a corporate setting The common challenges for companies exploiting existing business operations and exploring with innovation Transitioning between “explore” and “exploit” environments Why scaling is the most challenging part in becoming ambidextrous and the need for leadership support The dips that come with renewing yourself as a business continuously Examples of companies that have adopted and almost perfected dual innovation How innovation leads to new business models and innovation itself is becoming a business model

Resources Mentioned:

Book: Lead and Disrupt: How to Solve the Innovator's Dilemma, Second Edition by Charles O’Reilly III and Michael Tushman

Connect with Ralph-Christian Ohr:

Dual Innovation Blog: Integrative Innovation Book Amazon.de: Scaling-Up Corporate Startups: Turn Innovation Concepts into Business Impact Book Amazon.com: Scaling-Up Corporate Startups: Turn Innovation Concepts into Business Impact Ralph-Christian Ohr on Twitter Ralph-Christian Ohr on LinkedIn

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