Do you ever find yourself stuck, or even moving further away from your goals, despite your best efforts? You work harder than ever before to only find yourself stuck in the same place, or worse even more behind. You double down only to find yourself with your head barely above water. I think of these moments like rip tides in the ocean. In this episode I'm going to share my experience in getting stuck in an actual rip tide, what I had to do to get out of it, and how that experience became an invaluable life lesson about what not to do. I hope in hearing about my experience you'll learn a few things about what to do, why doubling down and working harder is the opposite of what you should do, and how to get out of those exhausitng rip tides of life.  Tamara’s Everyday Innovator style is Risk Taker Experiential.  Sticky Inspiration:  Doubling down on what you've always done will only get you further away from your goals Lesson & Action: To get out of the rip tides of life you need to think (or swim) sideways Connect with me on , , and  Join our global Everyday Innovators community on