If you’ve ever wondered why some product launches succeed, and so many fail, this is the episode for you. If you are looking to launch your own internal initiative or product launch, you’ll learn a lot from my guest, Felicia Anderson. is the vice president of product management at Epiq and was the senior director of the product management at Pitney Bowe. She talks with me about how to create a culture of innovation, why watching, not just listening, to customer behavior is the key to great insights, and how to drive bottom-line results from your team. She also shares how to create cross-functional teams that create both feedback and buy-in. 

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If you’ve ever wondered why some product launches succeed, and so many fail, this is the episode for you. If you are looking to launch your own internal initiative or product launch, you’ll learn a lot from my guest, Felicia Anderson. is the vice president of product management at Epiq and was the senior director of the product management at Pitney Bowe. She talks with me about how to create a culture of innovation, why watching, not just listening, to customer behavior is the key to great insights, and how to drive bottom-line results from your team. She also shares how to create cross-functional teams that create both feedback and buy-in. 

Listen In!


iTunesStitcher Radio | Spotify


Felicia Anderson Linked in

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Everyday Innovators Digital Toolkit

Everyday Innovators Online Facebook Group

Innovation is Everybody’s Business Book

Connect with Tamara on LinkedIn or join the innovator Facebook group to listen in live and have the opportunity to connect.