Just because your idea is innovative and meaningful doesn't mean it will be successful. In fact, what I've found is that the most successful ideas don't just push novel concepts into the world, instead they combine the new with the old. My guest today, Maureen Berkner Boyt - president of Moxie and creator of the Everyday Inclusion app, knows this better than anyone. Maureen and I talk about how an experience and realization she had about how people interact with their phones led to a business break-through. She also shares how she hacked existing human habits to deliver her new product idea, how the neuroscience of the brain helped her understand the best way to deliver her content in a way that would be sticky (aka create real behavior change), and why pivoting means momentum. She also opens up about how she knows when the people sitting on the other side of the table are open to innovation, or not.

Maureen's Everyday Innovator style: Instinctual Risk Taker

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