Are you looking for innovation in the wrong place? My guests Joel Clark and Cameron Smith, owners of the knocking it out of the park food brand Kodiak Cakes, think we might be. In fact, they grew Kodiak from a boutique to a $100 million business. The key? They look at categories in decline as an opportunity versus chasing high growth areas that we think we want to jump into. Definitely a mind shift and there’s proof to back it up. We talk about managing doubt from others and in yourself. We even validate some of your gut decisions when we talk about how decisions that don’t have data are often the times you see the trends and patterns before someone has the chance to turn them into data. Joel and Cameron also share how they built a culture of innovation on passion and transparency.

Joel Clark's Everyday Innovatory style: Risk Taker Collaborative

Cameron Smith's Everyday Innovator style: Inquisitive Tweaker

Joel Clark on LinkedIn

Cameron Smith on LinkedIn


Kodiak Cakes Homepage

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Innovation is Everybody’s Business Book

Connect with Tamara on LinkedIn or join the innovator Facebook group to listen in live and have the opportunity to connect. 

Are you looking for innovation in the wrong place? My guests Joel Clark and Cameron Smith, owners of the knocking it out of the park food brand Kodiak Cakes, think we might be. In fact, they grew Kodiak from a boutique to a $100 million business. The key? They look at categories in decline as an opportunity versus chasing high growth areas that we think we want to jump into. Definitely a mind shift and there’s proof to back it up. We talk about managing doubt from others and in yourself. We even validate some of your gut decisions when we talk about how decisions that don’t have data are often the times you see the trends and patterns before someone has the chance to turn them into data. Joel and Cameron also share how they built a culture of innovation on passion and transparency.

Joel Clark's Everyday Innovatory style: Risk Taker Collaborative

Cameron Smith's Everyday Innovator style: Inquisitive Tweaker

Joel Clark on LinkedIn

Cameron Smith on LinkedIn


Kodiak Cakes Homepage

Discover your Everyday Innovator Style

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Everyday Innovators Online Facebook Group

Innovation is Everybody’s Business Book

Connect with Tamara on LinkedIn or join the innovator Facebook group to listen in live and have the opportunity to connect.