There’s no denying the shrinking gap between humanity and technology. What used to take us hours or days to do, can now be done by technology in a much shorter time. Change and digital disruption have become pervasive as technology and artificial intelligence (AI) advances in leaps and bounds, and it’s happening at all levels across all industries. At this juncture, the question we need to ask ourselves is how can we leverage technology to elevate ourselves and stay relevant?


The trick is we need to become a part of the insight workforce, and it’s possible for everyone to be a part of it. All we need to do is leverage the information and data provided by technology to provide insights, solutions, and innovative ideas. We have to tap into our most human capabilities — how innovative we are, and the flexibility and nimbleness of our minds that allows us to come up with creative solutions.


I have three ways to become a part of the insight workforce and be an innovative voice in your workplace, life, and community.


#1 — Never present the facts; always present the insights.


#2 — Be innovative. Start thinking differently about what’s right in front of you to create an advantage.


#3 — Be an innovative leader.


If you are ready to:

get buy-in from key decision makers on your next big idea

be a high-impact, high-value member that ignites change

foster a culture of innovation where everyone on your team is bringing innovative ideas that tackle challenges and seize opportunities…

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Inside LaunchStreet Podcast Episode 1879: “Q&A — Staying Relevant in the Age of Technology with Tamara Ghandour”

Jobs Lost, Jobs Gained: Workforce Transitions in a Time of Automation,” Report by McKinsey Global Institute