What if I told you that action is NOT the way to build a business? What if I told you that it is possible to be more successful, just by thinking about it? That’s exactly what Dana Wilde teaches her tribe, and what’s more — she has the science and evidence behind how and why her method works.


Dana is the bestselling author of Train Your Brain, CEO of The Mind Aware, speaker and radio host. She grew her business from zero to a million dollars with over 60,000 followers on her email list in just 19 months, and she attributes her success to training her brain to think differently. Today, she focuses on helping business owners train their brains to set themselves up for and create success by focusing on mindset.


When it comes to growing your business, your mindset matters more than your actions and tactics. Dana shares how she realized this, and what the Reticular Activating System (RAS) has to do with your mindset. We talk through the “peacock feather” exercise, and Dana’s simple mantra to get started on changing your mindset. If you think that positive affirmations don’t work, Dana explains how the simple word ‘BUT’ can reframe your perceptions. Really, the key isn’t what you’re doing or not doing; it’s the story you’re telling yourself about it — change the narrative (and your mindset) around it, and change the outcomes. Dana breaks down the four-step process to get out of a negative state of mind and help yourself feel good and gives us a simple strategy for dealing with other people. Remember, every thought is making the case for us or against us.


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Mentioned in This Episode:

IQE Assessment

Dana Wilde

Train Your Brain, by Dana Wilde (Free Audiobook)

Train Your Brain University (Online Program)


Lou Tice
