He has more passion than you can poissibly imagine! The sorrow he feels from the neglect that these people experience will be life-changing to you as well. 


Please help by signing the petition to turn nursing homes into Accessible housing and allow people the freedom they deserve!


Frank Perino had his vision take from him at birth and has spent his life dedicated to helping those who can’t help themselves.


On May 19 1986 his wife went into labor . His guide dog and wife were turned away from 10 hospitals until they reached Lenox Hill in Manhattan which allowed for his guide dog to be present during the birth ! That’s when they founded Innersight ! 

Advocates for the disabled ! We must stand up for ourselves or it will never change ! His story was in Los Angeles times and New York Times and so on .

Many people contact him from around the country asking for his help but none more than someone in a nursing home ! From having their belongings taken to having their freedom taken to being neglected , and worse !  the unimaginable 


His vision is simple . Allow people to die in their own homes! choose their own caretakers, doctors , food , entertainment, schedule , etc . All of the things that are taken from you once you enter a nursing home !


Turn all nursing homes into Accessible housing and allow people to live to their full capacity!

It is inevitable. We will all face this reality one way or another . Please sign the petition and allow us to fight for your rights . Don’t let Medicare and nursing homes take everything you’ve worked for ! Let us help you and United we will make a change that will save millions !