Inner Green Deal founders Liane Stephan and Jeroen Janss explore the inner, human dimension of sustainable leadership by telling their own personal story of why they created the Inner Green Deal and what they learned during these first three years.

They share about their relationship with nature, their search to integrate climate action in their contemplative work and how they see leaders transform in their programmes.

With this episode, we are starting Season 3 which will bring you inspiring stories about the human dimension of sustainability. 

This season also marks the beginning of our regular community events. Are you a listener or subscriber of this podcast and would like to connect with like minded and explore your personal Inner Green Deal? Then visit our interactive monthly community events. You can find the dates on the Inner Green Deal page on LinkedIn. 

The  Inner Green Deal is a non-profit organisation based in Cologne and Brussels with a growing community around the world. We address the human dimension of sustainability and support leaders, change makers and facilitators to accelerate the green transformation. We offer a range of short and longer programmes cultivating collaboration, systems thinking and compassion. In addition to programmes for organisations, we empower facilitators and offer train-the-trainer programmes, access to curricula and digital tools to create cohesive communities of change.  

Our podcast is produced by Tom Weimann from Hamburg. Music by Marc Matthaei and Tom Weimann.

For more information, visit us on LinkedIn, or write to [email protected].  

Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.